Why do I use an M in my name?
When I decided to create a webpage and wanted the domain for just my first and last name, but there was another author with the same name. Even though it had been a while since she published, the genre was too close, and I didn’t want there to be any confusion. I also found out that particular domain was taken by a health fitness person.
I knew I wanted to use Denise Colby but I needed to differentiate myself
So, I had a decision to make
My middle name actually starts with a C, but I didn’t like two C’s next to each other in my author name, so I decided to go with M – which is the first letter in my maiden name.
When someone types in Denise M. Colby; my website, blog posts and social media appears in the search, which means I’ve done something right in being consistent with using that name. When I typed in Denise Colby, I did not appear in anything, also because of the above statement.
I wondered, then, how difficult would it be to have something appear in a search using only Denise Colby. To do so, would mean I would need to use Denise Colby in the alt text of photos, as well as in a post (did you know the internet indexes even the headers you choose? I’m covering that in a separate post).
So to test this theory, I decided to write a post using some specific SEO techniques.
File Names for Images:
I uploaded the same photo with different file names. It turns out that the file name cannot change when you upload it and that name becomes public record – even if you change the title later. (I’m still trying to figure out what the title line is for, then).
Testing out Alt Text:
I also typed out the alt text differently with each photo. The first one has Denise M. Colby and second one has Denise Colby in the Alt Text.
Caption & Description:
I also filled out the Caption and the Description on each photo as I’ve read that those sections can be indexed as well. I added more text to the captions within this post, but it doesn’t back feed into the media files. Not sure yet if that makes a difference or not.
Using Different Size Subheads With My Content:
Recently I read using the built-in subheads (Heading 1, Heading 2, etc.) gets indexed into metadata as well, so I wanted to test that theory in this post. That is why I have the words Denise Colby in the first subhead above. And why I’m writing this line next:
I decided to use Denise M. Colby instead of Denise Colby

Each of these pictures are linked to the media file on my website. The media file pulls from the original file name used when uploading the picture. So if you were to save either of these, they would have the original file name that I uploaded it with.
I’m going to resist creating an image header for this post, although I believe if I added one using the file names and alt text with the same data would help with what I’m trying to test. I might add another post similar to this one later on just to learn more.
So, thanks for following my ramblings as I test out my own theory and knowledge related to SEO techniques and website posts. And now you know why I use the M. in my name.
Denise M. Colby, also known as Denise Colby
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