Welcome to my website. I’m so grateful to have you visit!

Please, take a moment to look around.
I hope that you are encouraged in your day as you do.
To quickly sign up for my author newsletter click on this newsletter sign-up link
Click on my Book page for more details about my historical romance writing. I love history, especially old schoolhouses and the era they represent. It was while visiting an old schoolhouse in Sacramento that my story idea morphed into my first novel. Oh to be a schoolteacher in the 1860’s!
Click on my Blog and you’ll find a multitude of topics including research and history related to my stories. I also write about my word of the year, anything Disney and other things placed on my heart to share. I also write a monthly blog at the author blog, A Slice of Orange, on all sorts of topics including SEO and brand marketing for authors.
Prayer Journaling
Click on my Start a Prayer Journal page to learn why I have a prayer journal and how to start one. I love journaling and the idea of a journal is a central plot to my first novel, When Plans Go Awry.
Click on my Pinterest link to see photos of schoolhouses and other areas of interests (including the homemade birthday cakes I make for my boys).
Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for my uplifting and encouraging memes.
Marketing for Authors
And if you are interested in learning about branding, marketing, and SEO, I have a dedicated section for that as well. My Marketing for Authors newsletter (that’s separate from my Denise M. Colby Newsletter) provides tips and insights into building your own personal brand and how to market that brand. It’s geared toward authors, but would work for anyone. When you sign up for that newsletter, you will receive FREE, a 12-page guide on how to use images to improve your SEO on your website.
I hope you will find something here to inspire you in your life’s journey.
Blessings, Denise