Welcome to my first, First Line Friday post. I’m excited to join in on the fun. Each Friday I will share the first line of either a book I’m reading, have read or is in my TBR (to be read) pile. Then in return, I hope you will share the first line from any book you want in the comments.
In the writing world, the first line is tremendously important, introducing you to the story. It helps you settle in, knowing you have a fun adventure ahead.
So without further ado, here’s the book I’m starting off with:
Too Far Down, by Mary Connealy:
February, 1881
“An explosion brought Cole Boden to his feet.”
This is book three in The Cimarron Legacy series. There’s an overall plot carrying through the series and I’ve been waiting to see how it ends. I just might be staying up late tonight to find out!
Now it’s your turn! Grab the book nearest to you and leave a comment with the first line!
Then head over to Hoarding Books to see who else is participating:
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