It’s First Line Friday time. Pulling again from treasures read a while ago, today’s first line comes from another Love Finds You… book. I thought I would do them all in a row!
Love Finds You in Hope, Kansas by Pamela Griffin
I have read several from this line and being the history/geography lover that I am, have found these real town names and fiction stories fun.
So here’s the first line. Drumroll please…….
Hope, Kansas
Midsummer 1889
“Don’t just stand there with your mouth hangin’ open like a fish. Do you want a new ma or don’t you?” Andy directed the tense question to their little sister, Maggie, who hovered outside the stable door in clear indecision about whether to join them.
In return, I hope you will share the first line from any book you choose in the comments below. And then head on over to:
Happy Reading,
A good beginning. On my blog I am showcasing a paranormal A FAMILIAR MEANS.
Thank you for commenting! Happy Friday
The book I’m sharing on my blog is Unblemished by Sara Ella but I’m currently reading called The Road Home by Beverly Lewis. I shared the first line last week so I’ll share the first line of chapter 22 where I am right now: ” The next morning, after the four o’clock milking and a nice hot breakfast, Mimi suggested Harley take a lemon pound cake over to Abram Mast’s for his birthday.” Cake anyone? 😛 (I actually don’t like lemon pound cake though lol).
Lemon pound cake is not my favorite either. Nor is getting up at 4am for chores! Thanks for commenting! have a great weekend.
Happy Friday!!
My first lines come from a book I will be reading later this month, The Christmas Sisters by Sarah Morgan.
There are good anniversaries, and bad anniversaries . This was a bad one and Suzanne chose to mark the moment with a nightmare.
Have a great weekend and Happy Reading!
Hm. Sounds interesting. Happy Friday and thanks for commenting
We didn’t get a lot of the Love Finds You books in New Zealand, but I bought and enjoyed the ones I found.
I’m sharing the very long first line from A Defense of Honor from the new Haven Manor series by Kristi Ann Hunter on my blog today. It was one of those read-in-a-day books 🙂
I’m currently reading Just Let Go by Courtney Walsh, a romance about a woman wanting to reconnect with the mother who abandoned her years ago. But the first line is from the viewpoint of the hero:
He shouldn’t be here.
A diner in some little tourist town in Michigan was no place for Grady Benson, but here he was.
Have a great weekend!
Ah – but God has him right where he wants him, right? Thanks for commenting.
This looks like a wonderful book! Happy Monday!