Life is hard, crazy and stressful and in those moments when we search for answers, sometimes God connects things in a way that makes me stop in awe.
The last two years I have chosen a word to focus on. Hope was my first word in 2015 and Believe was my word in 2016.
For this year I have chosen – STRENGTH – and in searching up verses I am amazed to see how many fit where I am.
In my walk with God. My daily struggles of life. My writing career. Everything.
I know I need strength as I begin showing my work to agents, publishers, critique partners, you name it.
I need to be able to take criticism and suggestions and have strength to really hear the recommendations to make me a better writer. I also want to lean on God’s strength in all aspects of my life. As I get older, I realize that I can’t do life without him.
There are so many I want to highlight so for me to pick just one is really challenging. So throughout the year, I will share different ones on my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Here’s one though, I want to share:
Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
I love this last one personally. Many days I feel weary dealing with everyday life. And I know I’m not alone. I hope that these verses can offer you some comfort as they do to me.
So now that I firmly have my word set for the year, I look forward to seeing how God will use this word to encourage me, bolster me, show me things.
And He will. Not even a week after I selected STRENGTH, imagine my surprise when my Bible Study book I ordered – Priscella Shearer’s Gideon – came in and the cover had these words: your weakness. Gods strength. Oh how God knows things before we do. The fact that I’ll be spending six weeks studying God’s strength? I’m so excited.
I would encourage you to consider selecting a word to focus on. Write down 3 or 4 that pop in your mind and then look up verses to them. As you ponder each one, God will let you know what the right one would be. And I hope that it gives you infinite encouragement in all aspects of your life, just as mine have done for me.
Blessings, Denise