Month to month it never failed. It was time to sit down and write my blog post and I had no idea what to write. And then I flushed out my author brand, and a whole new slew of blog topic ideas came to life.
If you struggle with figuring out how to have a variety of solid blog post topics, maybe it’s time for you to flush out your brand too. And here’s why:
Denise M. Colby
When I teach my classes, I always do a brand brainstorm. This is to help think outside the box to see elements that can be a part of your brand. I have found several things can be done with the items on this list, including write more interesting blog posts.
I love this topic so much that I want to share some of the ideas from my own brainstorm list that might help you generate your own ideas with what to write about.
What are two of the blog topic ideas that came from my list?
My theme of my first novel is about trust and God’s plan for our lives. Other ones I’ve outlined have this same theme in it as well. I find trusting God and letting go of control something in my own life I struggle with.
What came to light in my brainstorm is that I can write about these struggles and tie them back to my story theme. I’m sharing something about myself, I’m relating to my audience, and I can connect it to my novel.
Here is one post to show this example: Category (writing)/Tag (story themes)

A Disney fan, I’ve created a “for fun” category and have been sharing my Disney fun. It’s a way for me to share a little part of myself, and is fun!
Here’s some posts for this Category (for fun)/Tag (Disney):

More on Brand and Blog Posts
I’ve also written additional articles related to Author Brand and Blog Post Topics and Why It’s Important to Have a Blog on A Slice of Orange blog.
If you are interested in learning more about building your author brand, sign up for my Marketing for Authors Newsletter.
Do you have topics you write about that fit your brand? I’d love to hear about it. Please share in the comments below!