This is the year I will focus on the word Wisdom!
Yes, that’s my word for 2021. And how did I come up with that particular word?
Well, the word Wisdom chose me much like last year’s word, Courage, did. I became laser focused on it around October and every time I saw or heard it used, it continued to jump out at me. So as I looked into other options, it never moved from the top of the list.
So the word Wisdom it is!
As I dug into researching the word, I’ve learned that Wisdom is not a word used alone. Knowledge, experience and deep understanding are closely tied to it. One of the terms I read in relation to this, was INTEGRATION of the three.
Which is exactly the reason I had chosen it. I want to take the knowledge and experience I have so far and apply it to whatever I am doing. In life and in my writing.
And when I don’t know the answer, to seek others with the wisdom to help teach me and guide me.
I love this definition I found on wisdom.
This is the wisdom I seek.
In all aspects of my life.
Other terms I found within the different definitions of Wisdom include; insight, judgment, decision-making, discernment, and sense of balance.
That last phrase, “Sense of Balance” speaks to me.
There’s a balance of taking all points of perspective and then firmly deciding on what course of action to move forward with.
Making decisions is not easy. Not in life. Not in writing a novel. I’ve received such different feedback from contest judges that it’s been challenging for me to know how to move forward. This year, I want to finish and publish my book. And that means making sound wise decisions I can move forward with.
And that gets me super excited about this word and this year
I found it interesting when I googled wisdom quotes, for there were so many! It goes without saying that most quotes evoke a bit of wisdom in them, don’t they?
Still, I was able to find some that pertained to wisdom in general. Here are a few of those quotes about wisdom itself:
Aren’t these great!
What I didn’t know until I spent some time researching and putting together specific tidbits, was how deep this word was going to be for me for this year. There is a lot here for me to pause and reflect on.
I always pick Bible Verses to support my word for the year. So as I dug into the Bible, I found more about wisdom than I expected. Who knew that this word was so rich in the Bible!
Of course, I could study the book of Proverbs all year long because of the wisdom found there.
For those who may not know, Proverbs is attributed to have been written by Solomon, the son of David, who was blessed by God with a perspective of wisdom no one else has attained. Leaders from all over came to hear him speak and learn from him. Here’s a summary from Pastor Chuck Swindoll on the topic
So I’ve had to make the decision to focus on only verses that I found the word Wisdom or Wise in, specifically. Even though I have many I will refer to throughout the year, here are three that stood out to me right now:
For my writing:
Proverbs 18:15—The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge; the ears of the wise seek it out
For my Teaching:
Proverbs 31:26—She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue
And for me personally (because I have adult children)
Proverbs 17:17—A man of knowledge uses words with restraint and a man of understanding is even-tempered.
I’m still exploring quotes, verses, and synonyms that are connected to the word wisdom.
I loved these synonyms: Acumen, gumption, foresight, experience, savvy, caution, poise, prudence, reason, discrimination, discernment, practicality, shrewdness, solidity, stability, judiciousness, comprehension, astuteness.
These are some fun terms I hope to utilize throughout the year! I definitely hope to have the foresight, gumption and savvy to get my book pitched, accepted and published this year!
All in all, I find Wisdom an interesting word and I’m excited to focus on it as my year of the word for 2021.
Here’s to a great year full of wisdom for us all.
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